Basic Police Radio Codes of Germany

In Germany, police radio codes differ from the U.S. “10-codes” and often use plain language or short codes for incidents, though these vary by region. Common terms include:

“Mord”Murder or homicide.
“Festnahme”Arrest or apprehension.
“Personenkontrolle”Identity check of a person.
“Täter auf der Flucht”Suspect fleeing.
“Notarzt”An emergency doctor or paramedic is needed.
“Erpressung”Extortion or blackmail.
“Schießerei”Shooting incident.
“Überfall”Robbery or assault.
“Schwerer Verkehrsunfall” (SVU)Serious traffic accident.
“Verkehrsunfall” (VU)Traffic accident.
“Vermisste Person”Missing person.
“Fahndung”Search for a suspect or missing person.
“Tatverdächtiger” (TV)Suspect.
“Funkstreife”Police patrol car (radio unit).